You probably don't know me. But I'm that average young male that works in every office and is on every street corner. I've been interested in politics for years. I've made my opinions known. But really I haven't felt the need to run for anything before. I didn't want to deal with all the nonsense of inaction and people not interesting in getting things done, but just interested in themselves.
I feel different now. Just watching these two conventions, with two parties who are more similar then they are different. None of the programs they talk about, will get done. Because they'll get in their own way. We as taxpayers elect the same old politicians who go in, talking a big game, saying "they'll change things in (insert capital)" And they get elected year after year, until they screw up big time or they decide to quit. Honestly that's on us as the electing populous. We don't take account of our politicians, the votes they make, the bills they bring forth. When we complain about politicians, maybe we should shut up until we actually hound these guys on what they are or what they aren't doing. Mandatory monthly town hall meetings, that are broadcast on the local channels is what we need. I think locals yelling at congresspeople would be more entertaining then Big Brother.
Today, I will announce my running for President in 2020. Why so long? Well it takes a long time to raise money, and I'll be 39 in 2020. Its more a qualification snafu. Really the Qualifications to be President are pretty low, 35 and a US Citizen? Why don't more people run? The internet alone could generate you coverage, and the news media would love covering 15 candidates. Maybe in those 15, everyone could find someone that they can relate to.
I don't relate to any of the candidates, I'm not someone who was raised by a single mom and got themselves a Harvard Law degree or a ex Navy Pilot, who got shot down, captured, tortured and then married a heiress and ran for congress. I'm your average normal mid 20's kid, with student loans, has to make sure I have enough to pay the bills, and trying to start a family in the future. I am the new generation of voters, who the politicians have zero idea about. We care about Social Security, but we also care about the huge amounts of debt we have to rack up, just to be qualified for a decent entry position. Working through college, as people use to do, is dead. You either get a lot of scholarship money, but even that is fought over by many more kids, or you call on Sallie Mae or Citibank to help you pay. This leaves you after 4 or so years. With tens of thousands in debt and with little high paying options when you are finished. Unless you are at one of the elite schools, but you will also have hundreds of thousands in debt from those schools. Our generation comes out with more debt, and less ability to help the economy grow by spending our excess dollars. We must find a way to control college costs, otherwise we'll have a real elite class, making the haves and the have nots, a more glaring problem.
We can't just drill for oil, and expect our foreign dependence to stop. We have to diversify our energy options. Wind, solar, fuel cells, any creative idea that can create new industry and new jobs for all Americans. We'll still need foreign oil for our increasing population. Because if we don't start on these, other countries will. Plus drilling for oil takes a decade at least before you would see it at the pump. These politicians don't tell you that. Or the amount of oil wouldn't make a dent. Competition for energy, will also drop the oil prices. If you can get a electric car, and its cheaper to use then car of today, people will switch. Demand will drop, prices will plummet, and people who can't afford the new fancy electric cars, will be able to drive because gas is 2 dollars a gallon again. We don't need energy independence, we need energy diversity.
I am very interested in the economy. We as Americans are lucky to have the diversity in occupations and choices in what we want to do. But we need to create more. Not everyone is equipped to sell products, or analyze the weather, or run a business. Not due to intelligence, just in the fact it may not interest that individual. That is why we need manufacturing jobs. There is nothing more satisfying then being in the process of making something. Whatever that maybe. But we are losing manufacturing jobs to every part of the globe, because its cheaper. As a business person, it makes sense. But as energy costs rise, those savings start to dwindle. And having a product made in China, shipped across the ocean, then trucked to a distribution plant, then trucked again to stores, really adds up after a while. Why not make a product in America and then shipped across the country, then the world. But as these countries rise, their wages will rise with them, then it will be inefficient to make products in China anymore.
We also have to teach our kids about the real world early on. So they can prepare themselves for what lies ahead. Its a tough world out there, and no one is going to serve up a life to you on a silver platter. Tell them, you probably won't be a singer, professional athlete or actor. But if you want to be a engineer, you will make a hell of a living, perform a interesting job and not have to worry about the paparazzi. Plus if don't have to be blessed physically to be an engineer, just smart. Chicks dig smart guys. And guys love smart girls. Interest our young in the different fields early, and then have a curriculum for them to make them stronger, so when they hit college they will only grow as a person.
Our future economy is very dependent on the current education system. Which isn't broken, but it needs to be working as well as it does in Clarence, as it does in Buffalo. We can't have kids getting a half assed education, because they are poor. We might as well be in the 1800's. There is no reason why every kid shouldn't be given the same education no matter where they are. But I know tax dollars are tight, but they shouldn't be scrimped on public education. The money can be better spent, there is no doubt about that.
Taxes, we hate em, but the government needs them. How can we tax but not overtax. This country was founded on fights about taxes, its in our basic core of being Americans. Sure tax the rich, but that's not fare to those who work hard and make a lot of money. But overtaxing the middle class isn't fair either, because it hurts them the most. We need to cut spending so we don't need to raise or figure out a clever tax scheme, to take money away from the average American.
The biggest source of cutting spending? Not wasting money on silly wars and campaigns that accomplish nothing. What has Iraq accomplished really? The death of hundreds of thousands of people. For what a less stable government that has a possibility of being a terrorist haven now, when the US leaves. Saddam Hussain was a terrible murderous dictator, but there weren't any terrorists in that country. And they weren't going to be a threat to the US, Israel maybe, but they can handle themselves. Billions of dollars for education, job creation, new roads, all wasted on a war that got young men and women killed and disfigured on a lie. These are the people we need leading us 20 years from now, and now we'll never know what they could have done.
The Military can be strong and lean. Intelligence is where the money needs to go. Have ears everywhere. Eyes everywhere. Know where an attack will be, before the terrorist know where the attack will be. America will always have enemies, we must know who they are, and where they are. Also strong alliances will create friends and we can work problems out as adults. Because no one wants to waste money and lives on wars.
Well I have lots of opinions and ideas but I can work them out for years to come. What other ideas do I have?
-God doesn't belong in government. (It belongs in the household)
-Gays can marry, but its a state issue.
-The right to choose to abort or not. But as a state issue. (Will finally get abortion off the national stage)
-Government should be looking out for people. I am anti deregulation, nothing good comes from deregulation. Fix roads, make us safe, make things fair. Give us the tools, and the average -American will make things happen.
-Privatizing social security could only lead to a nightmare.
-Global warming is real, not as bad as some may say, but its happening. Its happened before. So keep the waters clean, keep the ground safe, and recycling only makes sense. Our planet is important.
My name is unimportant now, but I'm running for President in 2020.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
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